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Roller Coaster Emotions aren’t Fun. Are they even Yours?

by | Nov 5, 2018 | 0 comments

roller-coaster emotions Roller Coaster Emotions take you from happy to depressed, anxious, or out-of-sorts in seconds flat!

Roller coaster emotions can be part of your daily life if you’re an empath or an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). They can also be extremely confusing because sometimes they aren’t even yours.

That sudden mood swing may be an emotion you’ve “picked up” from someone else; co-workers, neighbors, friends, your kids, your significant other, or even the person standing behind you in the grocery store.

This happens most strongly with those you are closest to. Your emotions are all intertwined, and you are most open to their energy and feelings – often putting you on a roller coaster ride of negative out-of-control emotions. But it can also occur with strangers if you’re “in sync” with them in some way or if you are stressed, vulnerable, ungrounded or have “permeable” boundaries and have a wide-open unprotected energy field.

What happens when you go to events, malls, or crowded places?

Do you suddenly feel unfocused, forget what you came for, or even get sucked into some crazy marketing hype – you may know it is crazy but can’t seem to resist. The combined energies of all the people, Wifi, electronics, and stimulation, can be overwhelming if you’re sensitive.

If you’ve ever had these experiences, you are most likely an empath or highly sensitive person.
No, I’m not talking about being empathetic or having empathy for how others feel; this is completely different, although most empaths tend to have loads of empathy. I’m talking about being energetically sensitive to other people – you can feel other people’s emotions or pain (physical, mental or emotional) as your own or, at the very least, have it bring your energy down.

  • Have you ever had a time that you felt great, then sat down next to someone with a headache – and viola, you have a headache?
  • Do you ever feel depressed, sad, stressed, or suddenly Off?
  • Do you feel like you need to have stronger boundaries?
  • Do you have days of being super hyper and other days exhausted beyond belief – always trying to figure out if it was something you ate, did, etc.?

That’s what I’m talking about. Your sensitivity to other people’s emotions and energy is just like being on a roller coaster, and you can get off.

Has something like this ever happened to you?

I recently had a conversation with a friend who had felt pretty good. She’d found what she was looking for at the mall at a great price. Suddenly, as she left the store and walked to her car, she was filled with doubt and unbelievably tired and sad. She went home and meditated, trying to figure out what was up, and couldn’t find an answer. Then she had an “aha” moment and remembered bumping into someone who’d seemed particularly down.

Ask Yourself, Is this Emotion Even Mine?

When you have a rapid mood change, check to see if this feeling makes sense. I highly recommend that you do not spend much time processing these emotions or risk getting even more enmeshed in them.

It’s quite simple. Ask yourself:

  • Is this emotion mine?
  • Does it make sense in my life, in what’s happening in the here and now?
  • Did something trigger an old memory?
  • Have I been worried or upset about something that I haven’t acknowledged?

If the answer is no, you can be sure that you’ve picked up someone else’s stuff. It’s usually pretty clear. If a mood shift comes out of the blue and there are no obvious triggers, you’re most likely picking up someone else’s emotional pain or distress.

Get off the Roller Coaster – Acknowledge and Let Go ASAP

Once you realize it’s not yours, it’s much easier to deal with. It’s important to understand what’s happening as soon as possible. You don’t want to spend much time in that down energy. Your mind will start to fill in stories to explain why you’re upset. There is nothing productive about that!

You have enough of your own “stuff” to deal with without being blindsided by someone else’s. The most invasive emotions tend to be sadness or depression but can also include anxiety, fear, doubt, and anger. In some cases, you can even be experiencing someone else physical pain.

Releasing the pain or negative emotion

You can make up some elaborate statements or declarations. Some people call on St. Michael, Jesus, God, Goddess, etc., to help release them from any emotions that aren’t their own. I’ve found that simply making a statement, “this is not mine,”  or “I release all thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are not my own,” and taking a couple of deep breaths visualizing it leaves you and clear white or golden light filling you back up is enough to feel like yourself again.

Just learning about the problem with other people’s emotionsship at sea can help you make a shift.

It can be a huge relief to discover it’s not all Yours. But often, it isn’t enough despite your best efforts, and all the Shielding techniques you could learn still leave you feeling like a sponge. Take our HSP Quiz for more insight into five areas of sensitivity, and as a bonus, get a 15% off discount code.

How come your shielding techniques no longer work?

Have you found that in the last five to ten years, the shielding and protection techniques that used to work so well to deflect other people’s emotions just aren’t doing the job anymore? This is most likely because if you’re highly sensitive to one thing, you also tend to be sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, Wi-fi, and all our technology and to chemicals and environmental toxins. It’s like being a double or even triple whammy.

Your healthy energy is being overwhelmed by all the other frequencies around you. I used to be a poster child for sponge person, so I can relate.

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish. It’s an Act of Love

Help yourself by realizing what’s happening, releasing the energy, and doing something positive for yourself.

Take a walk, hug a tree, be in nature, take a bath or shower, watch a funny movie or video, call a friend (not the one you’re thinking about), listen to music….you get the idea, I’m sure. Read more about self-care

Youtube to the rescue

Those 3-minute videos online can be just the ticket. I especially like funny kitten/ puppy videos, laughing babies, or lively dance videos. It’s hard to feel down when watching any of those. Keep many sites bookmarked with just those kinds of videos so it’s easy to find when needed.

I also keep a folder in iTunes labeled uplifting music. The right song can be transformative within just a few bars; if listened to regularly, your nervous system is keyed to instant response.

Be Kind to Yourself and the World

This is a learning process. You’ve probably learned some bad habits and maybe even feel uncaring if you’re not wallowing in it too. Not so. You cannot be of help when your energy is down and depleted.

You won’t get it right all the time. That’s just fine. Do the best you can, and know that it’s like a muscle and gets stronger with practice.

Help is Available

I highly recommend wearing a BioElectric Shield. The Shield does a good job of shielding you from most random “floating” depression, anxiety, and fear. However, because you’ve learned to open yourself to other people’s energy to help them, you can override the ability of the Shield to keep it out. Again, this is especially true with those closest to you.

While the Shield cannot keep you completely shielded all the time, it does provide you with a cushion. I notice a “space” between my initial reaction to reach out and pull their energy in and doing so. I normally acknowledge the situation and let the energy pass me by. If I DO take it on, it allows that release to be much quicker, and I also recognize it much sooner

Stay vigilant – pay attention to roller-coaster emotions – stay clear

Hey, I don’t mean to be on guard all the time. But I mean that you should be self-aware and understand your moods well enough that you recognize sudden mood swings for what they are and release any energies that are not your own.

“Every morning when I put on my Level 3 Shield, I am thankful for that much-needed protection and clarity.” Joanna A, Empath (read what more HPS/empaths have to say)

If you haven’t already taken our HSP Quiz, you might want to do so now to learn more about your energy sensitivity.

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